Dia Flower’s Care Guide: How to keep flowers fresh!

3 min readApr 28, 2021

Why do cut flowers need caring?

There’s a lot that happens once they’re cut from the ground!

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

When in soil, the earth acts as a filtering system for these flowers which prevents them from attracting bacteria!

Although taking them out removes that filter — and the unfiltered air, water, and bacteria exposure can interfere with the water uptake!

5 Tips to keep your flowers fresh longer

1. Vase Hygiene = Longer Life

  • It's important you keep the vase clean, because if you don’t want to drink water from a dirty glass, why would the flowers?
flower vase, leaves, face-mask, hygiene, flower-care, sanitisation
Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

OH! Make sure you don’t use a towel to dry it after giving it a good scrub with the vase detergent.

Do this before you put the flowers in and regularly after you do — that will ensure no bacteria is gathered for long!

2. Water Conditioning

  • Tap water is ideal for fresh flowers but conditioning is often necessary to let them thrive!
  • While the woody stems prefer a deep drink (2/3rd fillings of water), the soft buds like that of a tulip can work well with the vase filled just under halfway!

Flower Fact: We’ve all got our preferences, and flowers take their water in more efficiently when it is warm more than cold in the first drink!

3. Why use flower food?

60% vase life is increased if flower food is used properly, compared to water alone!

  • Add the sachet to your vase and give it a quick stir! Most flower food contains citric acid, sugar, and a concoction of bleach — a perfect environment for cut flowers.

Make sure you don’t overdose it, we all know too much of anything can be dangerous!

  • The bleach gets rid of the bacteria
  • Sugar helps them blossom better
  • Citric Acid balances the PH of the water and the effectiveness of the bleach!

4. Location is the key

Flowers stay the best when they’re in a location that suits them to be! To keep them fresh and ensure long life, make sure they stay away from direct sunlight, fruits or vegetables, and heat sources of household appliances.

  • Flowers wilt given excessive sunlight, as more water transpires.
  • The gases released from foods such as fruits as they ripen harms the stems causing wilting and browning!

5. Flowers need attention too!

Photo by NON on Unsplash

Our hands are usually warm and they can make the flowers dry, so you must ensure you hold them by the stems and not by their heads!

Don’t neglect them for more than 2 days, change the water in the vase regularly and change trim them!

Check the quality of the water in the vase, and change it if it becomes cloudy and repeat step 2!

Although if the water is clear, remove the foliage (don’t use fingers) and top it up with tap water!

Has this guide helped you keep your flowers fresh and last them longer?

Keep these tips handy the next time you have a few fresh-cut flowers, we’d love to hear from you if it did help!

Want to try these tips out for yourself? You can order a range of fresh-cut boutique floral arrangements within Dubai from Dia Flower with same-day delivery!




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